United Utilities’ customers who apply for a water meter are now being offered a ‘lowest bill guarantee’ which means they won’t be worse off when they switch to a meter.
The company’s ‘Lowest Bill Guarantee’ means that within the first two years, customers won’t pay any more with a meter than they currently do. Within this time they can then continue with their meter charges, or switch back to their old bills if they haven’t made a saving.
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United Utilities’ customers who apply for a water meter are now being offered a ‘lowest bill guarantee’ which means they won’t be worse off when they switch to a meter.
The company’s ‘Lowest Bill Guarantee’ means that for the first two years, customers won’t pay any more with a meter than they currently do. After this time they can then continue with their meter charges, or switch back to their old bills if they haven’t made a saving.
The scheme works like this, each time United Utilities sends a water bill, they will automatically check the meter charges against what the customer would have paid on their old rateable value bills and charge whatever is the lower amount.
So if the meter bill is even higher than the customer’s old rateable value bill, then they will charge the lower rateable value bill instead so customers will never be out of pocket.
The lowest bill guarantee means that customers really have nothing to lose by switching to a meter. Water meters are one of the easiest ways for customers to reduce their water bills, especially if they live in a house with a high rateable value or live alone or with a loved one.
Visit unitedutilities.com/meters for full details.
Customers can apply for a meter by calling 0345 072 6065.