Saint Mary's SARC remains available to provide healthcare and support services to victims of rape and sexual assault.
The safety of our staff and patients is very important to us and we take this very seriously.
We offer non-judgemental care & support regardless of the circumstances.Our on-call advice and information service operates out of hours 24/7: call 0161 276 6515.
- Available In
- Manchester
- Available to Age Groups
- No Restriction
- What we can help with
- Someone to talk to
- Available to these Groups
- Vulnerable Adults
Additional Information
You can report to the Police or contact our 24 hour helpline directly on 0161 276 6515.
If you wish to be seen, please call us first.
We are not able to see people if they don’t have an appointment.
If you would like to be seen for an examination, without Police involvement, we can discuss this with you.
The safety of our staff and patients is very important to us and we take this very seriously.
We understand that you may be feeling scared and frightened and that you may not feel able to trust anyone. At the Saint Mary’s Centre our main aim is to provide you with information, choice and control on what will happen to you. We want you to feel comfortable with the decisions you take. We will support you in your choice, whatever they may be.
If you have made a report the police, a specially trained police officer will come with you to the Centre. A forensic doctor and a crisis worker, who have both had extensive experience and knowledge in supporting people who have been raped or sexually assaulted, will meet you.