The Council Tax Reduction Scheme reduces the amount of Council Tax that a person has to pay where they are on a low income. The scheme applies a means test to determine if any person is entitled to a reduction
- Available In
- Oldham
- Available to Age Groups
- No Restriction
- What we can help with
- Information on government/council support schemes
- Available to these Groups
- All Groups
Additional Information
Please ensure that you have the following details available before you start to complete your application form:
- Details of all your household members and income
- If you are employed, you will need the full details of your income received along with your employer's name, address and post code
- If there is additional information you want to tell us about, you can include this in the "other information" option near the end of the application form.
You can use the online form to calculate what you may be entitled to and make a claim.
The first part of the form calculates an amount that you may be eligible to receive. You can then continue to make a claim.
You may also need to provide original documents as proof of your identification, national insurance number, income, and savings.
You only need to complete this form if:
- You have never claimed Council Tax Reduction before in Oldham
- You do not already receive Council Tax Reduction in Oldham
If your Council Tax Reduction claim is currently suspended please complete the change of circumstances form.