If you have nowhere to stay or if it is unsafe for you to return home, or you will be homeless within the next 56 days, you should contact the Housing Options Team immediately. The team will assess your case and will be able to provide housing options for you and your family.
- Available In
- Sefton
- Available to Age Groups
- No Restriction
- What we can help with
- Help with accommodation or my tenancy
- Information on government/council support schemes
- Available to these Groups
- All Groups
Additional Information
The Housing Options Team provides a free confidential service on a wide range of housing issues. These include:
Problems with your landlord
What can be done if you need to leave your home because of threats of violence
Explaining legal rights and obligations of tenants and landlords
Advice about the housing register
Domestic violence
Temporary accommodation options
Our specially trained staff will give you help, support and practical advice. You can discuss your legal and housing options in confidence with someone who understands your problems.