Our Support Workers have a real holistic approach when it comes to helping our friends. We put them at the centre of any care plan, empowering them to make their own choices. Support Workers can make vital referrals to accommodation, detox and rehabilitation projects and debt intervention services.
- Available In
- Manchester
- Available to Age Groups
- No Restriction
- What we can help with
- Help & training to improve my work opportunities
- Help with accommodation or my tenancy
- Someone to talk to
- Available to these Groups
- All Groups
Additional Information
Once they’re up and running with a new home and a support plan, our Resettlement Worker will help our friends begin to live the life they want. This means getting them registered with a GP, helping them find work and training or even join a new club. Nothing makes us happier than seeing someone we’ve helped living an independent and fulfilling life. Our support workers offer one to one support 5 days a week. We offer support to anyone who is homeless. We start by setting up a care of address, so people can register for benefits and a simple bank account. We address the most urgent needs i.e. emergency shelter, accommodation, healthcare rehab, safety, training and jobs, making referrals as needed to other support agencies and Manchester City Council. Our support workers aim to create a level of trust and rapport with with our friends, helping them to rebuild their lives. We also visit inmates nearing release at HMP Manchester. We help to find housing solutions, offer mediation and advocacy support. After release we help with all aspects of rehabilitation to reduce the chances of re-offending and homelessness.