Halton Floating Support is a complimentary service available to residents of Halton who may be facing challenges in managing their current living situation or transitioning to a new home. The service provides support and assistance to help individuals overcome these difficulties and achieve a stable and satisfactory living arrangement.
- Available In
- Halton
- Available to Age Groups
- No Restriction
- What we can help with
- Help to get household items and clothing
- Help with accommodation or my tenancy
- Available to these Groups
- All Groups
Additional Information
The Halton Floating Support service provides assistance and support in various areas, including:
- Managing and sustaining your tenancy or household.
- Support to live independently.
- Access to charity funding for essential household items.
The service can also offer support to:
- Maximise your income.
- Maintain your current accommodation in case of risks due to anti-social behaviour (ASB), breach of tenancy, or substance misuse.
- Access physical and mental health services.
- Access drug and alcohol services.
- Resettle when moving on from temporary accommodation.
- Access and maintain education, training, and employment.
- Reduce social isolation.
- Minimise the need for crisis and emergency interventions.
To be eligible for this service, you must meet the following criteria:
- Be 18 years or older.
- Reside in the Halton area (WA7, WA8).
- Have housing-related support needs and either rent or own your own home.
If you fulfil these criteria, the Halton Floating Support service is available to provide you with the necessary help and support you require.