GMLC provides support with Employment and Support Allowance (ESA), Personal Independence Payment (PIP) and Work Capability Assessments. This includes help completing forms, and helping with appeals.
Our caseworkers can advise, assist and represent people who are appealing against negative ESA decisions where there is: * failure to attend a medical assessment * failed medical assessment * being put in the work-related activity group, and not the support group * sanctions * right to reside * overpayments
- Available In
- Manchester
- Available to Age Groups
- No Restriction
- What we can help with
- Someone to talk to
- Available to these Groups
- All Groups
Additional Information
Our friendly and dedicated front-of-house reception staff will try to help you with all your enquiries – on the phone or face to face. To use our services, you need to be resident in Greater Manchester. If we are able to deal with your enquiry, we will arrange an appointment with one of our case workers or monthly legal advice clinics. If no appointments are available, we will try to signpost/refer you to an organisation that may be able to help you.
For New Enquiries - Opening Times
Monday - Friday