We understand that this might be a challenging time for you financially. We are here to help. We have a range of measures in place to support you and your individual circumstances, as well as general guidance to help you manage your money.
- Available to Age Groups
- No Restriction
- What we can help with
- Bank & utility company support schemes
- Available to these Groups
- All Groups
Additional Information
If you get in contact with us, we’ll do our best to:
- Never judge you or make you feel bad about your situation
- Always be happy to talk to you, however big or small your problem might be
- Treat you as an individual, taking the time to understand your circumstances
- Agree a way forward that meets your needs
- Let you know who else can help you
When we contact you. We’ll try to get in touch with you if you miss a payment or it looks like you might be getting into financial difficulty. If we do, there are a few different ways we might contact you.