Council Tax Discounts for Empty Properties

Copeland Council



Discounts are also available if your property is empty. Please note that unoccupied but furnished properties do not qualify for a discount.

  • Uninhabitable properties: a 50 per cent discount for as long as it remains in that state, or for one year (whichever is the lesser time).
  • Vacant properties that are unoccupied and unfurnished: a 100 per cent discount for a maximum of 28 days. If an empty property becomes occupied and unfurnished for a period of less than six weeks, after which it falls empty again, it will only resume exemption if there is any of the original exemption period remaining. Use of a property for less than six weeks does not give rise to a new exemption.

An empty discount will not be awarded without dated photographs.


Available In
  • Copeland
Available to Age Groups
  • No Restriction
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  • Information on government/council support schemes
Available to these Groups
  • All Groups

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