Armed Forces Community Covenant

Wyre Council



Support and advice for veterans and serving members of HM Forces.

Cllr Peter Le Marinel is Wyre's Armed Forces Champion. If you would like to contact him for advice and information please email


Available In
  • Wyre
Available to Age Groups
  • No Restriction
What we can help with
  • Help with accommodation or my tenancy
  • Information on government/council support schemes
Available to these Groups
  • Ex-Forces

Additional Information

The armed forces community covenant is a group of officers and elected members within Wyre Council. They have a voluntary pledge of mutual support between the borough's civilian and armed forces communities, which was agreed by representatives from Wyre Council, Wyre's armed forces communities and the private and voluntary sectors.

The focus of the covenant is to improve access to health and housing by making sure organisations and authorities are aware of the covenant. This incorporates mental health support through GPs to make sure people receive the treatment they need. The group is also establishing discount schemes with local businesses such as shops and restaurants, and cheaper access to leisure facilities.

It complements the Armed Forces Covenant which outlines the moral obligation between the nation, the government and the armed forces to ensure the armed forces community faces no disadvantage compared to other citizens. Consideration is given to special treatment for the injured and bereaved as a proper return for their sacrifice.

The aims of the community covenants is to:

- encourage local communities to support the armed forces community in Wyre

- nurture public understanding and awareness amongst the public of issues affecting the armed forces community

- recognise and remember the sacrifices faced by the armed forces community

- encourage activities which help to integrate the armed forces community into local life

- encourage the armed forces community to help and support the wider community, whether through participation in events and joint projects, or other forms of engagement

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